In May 2019, I redecorated my home and decided to set up an aquarium that had been in storage for a decade as it would look nice. However a few months later in February 2020, the pandemic struck, and I soon realized that many people were selling their aquarium setups on Facebook at cheap prices.
This presented a perfect opportunity to upgrade to a larger and superior aquarium. I sold some of my own equipment while retaining select components such as a better heater or pump.
InterPet 120 | FLUVAL ROMA 90 / 125 | JUWEL 180 RIO / Vision | BOYU | Aqua One | FERPLAST CAYMAN | Filters




Suitable for freshwater or tropical fishkeeping. We found the lights were very bright and great for planted aquariums.
The RIO LED combines the classic rectangular shape with the latest equipment. With its compact surface of 101 x 41 cm and classic rectangular design.

Suitable for freshwater or tropical fishkeeping. No aquarium embodies this characteristic like the VISION from 180 to 450 version.

Model date 2009 came with an internal filter chamber.
I picked up this unique and rare aquarium on Facebook Marketplace. It has a seamless glass front for the ultimate 180-degree viewing experience.

I recently got hold of this up during the start of lockdown2. It is a stylish aquarium with a solid soundproof hinged lid held open by a special little rod.
If you want to know how to set up an Aquarium and which fish may be suitable, read my first tank blog by clicking here.
Tropical Fish suitable for large Aquariums.
Blood-red Parrot Cichlid

The blood parrot cichlid is a relatively new hybrid produced by breeding the midas and the redhead cichlid. The fish was first created in Taiwan around 1986. Requires 30 gallon aquarium.
Firemouth Cichlid(Thorichthys meeki)

A species of cichlid fish native to Central America. They occur in rivers of the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico, south through Belize and into northern Guatemala. They are one of the least aggressive types of cichlids.
Yoyo Loach

The yoyo loach, Almora loach or Pakistani loach is a freshwater fish originating from the slow-running and still waters of the Ganges basin in northern India and possibly Nepal.
They can grow to be about 6″ long, including their tails.
Bristlesnose pleco

Rainbow Shark

The rainbow shark is a species of Southeast Asian freshwater fish. It is a popular, semi-aggressive aquarium fish. (Territorial)
Native to freshwater habitats in South America and Panama, and has a sucker mouth. Eats Algae is always appearing on the glass, plants and glass.