Safer batteries which avoid the battery to vent or explode. Batteries used by power vapers have no protection circuits, high amp limits and relatively small capacities.
Do NOT use your regular batteries for sub-ohm. Buy from trusted retailers, and that includes chargers too. Batteries are easy to fake, so it's important to know that what you're buying is the real deal.
• 18650 - This is the size of the battery.
• Mah - This is the capacity rating.
• amp - This is the power that can be released to power the coil.
• IMR - safer than many of the older ICR batteries.
• INR - combines the safety and low resistance of manganese and the high energy of nickel.
• ICR - delivers the highest specific energy but are the most dangerous
Both of those batteries have low internal resistance and high amp limits, that means they will perform better than regular batteries (deliver more power to the coil) and do it safely.
TC mods rely on programming that says with certain changes in resistance of the coil, the temperature will be x. Kanthal wire is not a good material for this as it's resistance doesn't change noticeably with temperature. However, Nickel (Ni), Titanium (Ti) and Stainless Steel (SS) - the currently used TC materials - do have this quality. They change resistance on a scale in correlation to their changing temperature.
Because of this, the TC mod's board is programmed with this information so that when these materials are used for heating coils, the mod can read these changes in resistance and make on-the-fly adjustments to the power being delivered to the coil in order to limit the temperature to what the user sets.
Model: INR18650-25R
Rated voltage: 3.6-4.2 V
Standard Capacity: 2500mAh
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