To help protect you and your money from fraud, banks will be asking you to confirm your online card payments more often.
To help keep you and your accounts safer from fraud when you use your debit or credit card to shop online.
Payment confirming it’s you will happen in a few different ways, Banking app, One-time passcode or using a card reader.
Now is a good time to make sure your bank has got your up-to-date phone number.
It’s all part of a regulation to help fight fraud and increase the security of your online payments. And it’s there to keep your money safe.
Avoid Scams
Scammers will try to build an online relationship with you by manipulating your emotions to build trust. Once they’ve gained your trust and built a relationship, they will start asking for money for things like travel costs to come and see you or for medical fees for a relative they claim is ill. They will then disappear with your money.
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