Twitter has undergone a dramatic rebrand, with its famous blue bird logo replaced by a white X on a black background. The change was made by Elon Musk, who bought Twitter last October for $44 billion.

Musk has said that he wants to create an “everything app” called X, which would combine Twitter with other features such as payments and shopping. He has also said that he wants to change the name of “tweets” to “x’s.”
The new logo has been met with mixed reactions. Some users have praised the change, while others have expressed nostalgia for the old blue bird.

Musk’s plans to rebrand Twitter have also been met with some challenges. On Monday, police stopped work to remove the old name from the sign at the company’s San Francisco headquarters. The police said that Twitter had failed to communicate with security and the building’s owner about its plans to remove the sign.
Despite these challenges, Musk appears to be committed to rebranding Twitter as X. It remains to be seen how the new logo and name will be received by users.
Mr Musk, who has changed the name of the business to X Corp, said the replacement “should have been done a long time ago”.
“The Twitter name made sense when it was just 140 character messages going back and forth – like birds tweeting – but now you can post almost anything, including several hours of video,” he said.
“In the months to come, we will add comprehensive communications and the ability to conduct your entire financial world.
“The Twitter name does not make sense in that context, so we must bid adieu to the bird.”
He posted an image of a flickering X on Twitter, and later in a Twitter Spaces audio chat, replied “Yes” when asked if the Twitter logo would change.
Linda Yaccarino, Twitter’s new chief executive, wrote on the platform that the rebrand was an exciting new opportunity.
“Twitter made one massive impression and changed the way we communicate,” she said.
“Now, X will go further, transforming the global town square.”
The bird is called Larry which Twitter’s co-founder Biz Stone said, in 2011, is a tribute to basketball star and Boston Celtics legend Larry Bird.
People took to Twitter to mourn the loss of the logo, including Martin Grasser who designed it in 2012.
“Today we say goodbye to this great blue bird,” he said. Later the tweet was shared by Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s best-known co-founder with a goat emoji, which means ‘greatest of all time’.
Elon Musk took over Twitter in October last year and later announced Xcorp
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